Enable a standard view in PO Entry


I’m trying to make editable the Our Quantity column in the All tab in Purchase Order, by standard the POAllLines view is disabled I tried using the extended properties to enable it but it didn’t work. Does anybody know a way to make either the view or the column editable?


As I understand it, it is the Qty Option that drives the Our Qty field. can yo try and change from “Our” to “Supplier”

I have noticed when you do a personalization there are two fields XOrderQty with a of Caption Our Qty and CalcOurQty with a caption of Caption Our Quantity. I am wondering if one the CalcOurQty field is hidden. In our system you can edit it if the Qty Option is set to Our Qty, but not the XOrderQty field.


Hope that makes sense.

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If i had to guess, that’s probably not the actual qty field, but the display version of, which gets calculated. Have a look at the field name and verify it is what you think it is.

Edit - I see this is the case in the screenshot above.

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