Entry Group

I’ve been asked to create an enhancement to eliminate the ability to reuse groups (Invoice Entry (AP & AR), Payment Entry, Cash Receipt Entry, etc.). This would only apply to posted

First, has anyone done this? If so, please explain the pro’s and con’s of doing so. Also, please elaborate on the method used.

Thanks in advance.

What I have done in the past was suggest they use a date scheme with their initials. For example:


that way they never have to worry about that.


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There are many ways to do this:
-As stated above, use date/initials
-Use and Autonumber BPM
-Use a BPM that checks for previous usage
All of these options are a great use of BPMs

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The simplest would be a BPM that raises an exception.

It would check if a query of relative tables contained any records with the proposed groupID. You’d need to do a liitle looking to see what tables store the various GroupID types. I think InvcHead stores the GroupID of the AR Entry group that created it. Don’t forget to check if the record has been posted, else you’d not be able to return to one that you started.

@manasa6 @ckrusen - I am wondering why you would even Entertain a BPM or Auto-Numbering? Isn’t the GroupID merely used as a “Work In Progress Grouping ID” which is to be absorbed after the Group is Posted. Why would it matter if the same GroupID is re-used every single week? to me it just looks like a temporary group to help you group your invoices.

is there a benefit to unique naming and not re-using?

The OP’s question was how to do it. Not if it shouldn’t be done :wink:

And there was a time when we thought we had a reason to do this. We had to export AR invoices, for importing into another accounting system. The uploaded file needed a unique identifier to ensure the same info wasnt uploaded twice. Plus we needed a way to select which invoices to export. A unique GroupID would have solved both.

It has a lot to do with needing to “find” Invoices, “I might have made a mistake and I think I did it yesterday. I remember the $ amount but not the vendor”. Using the group at that point helps. If you use the same one over and over again then everything you enter is in that same group.

Sometimes during an audit, they want information entered on a given day…hence another reason to do this…

There is absolutely nothing wrong in your thinking until something happens and you wish you did come up with something better!

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