I’ll be honest i am kind of surprised that there are not more posts on preparing E10 for Brexit given it affects trade for companies both within the UK and the 27 countries remaining in the EU. Ignoring the politics and lack of clarity I would have thought that there would be more requests from advice.
Our organization, who are UK based are trying to prepare for the worst case and are updating shipping documentation and commercial invoices. One thing we are likely to be required to include on documentation is to include both our and our customers EORI (European Operator Registration and Identification) ID on such documentation.
I’m making a reasonable assumption that there will be folks posting on here whose organizations operate in countries that are not in the EU, and who currently ship to/from the EU. Can anyone please advise if there is any built in functionality/fields for storing EORI numbers against the relevant company/customer?
We are on so there is a good chance that these may have been incorporated into a later release.