I am trying to wrap my head around some of the features of the EpiCombo.
With standard VCL Combos, I am used to having a SelectedIndex which tells what item in the list is selected.
On the EpiCombo, I see SelectedRow. Is this the same premise except its a DataRow? If so, to effectively set the SelectedIndex I would pick a row and set Selected = true? Do I have to iterate all rows and DESELECT first to avoid multiple selections?
What’s the difference between Activated and Selected?
And for the cherry on top, why does the following code ONLY run if touch/select an item on the EpiCombo?
I am using UserCodes to list potential label types (which drives my label format for bartender). Each Part record has a label type selected from those user codes.
On this particular screen, I list open jobs. When a job is selected, the details are populated for the user to see: Part#, Qty, LabelType
I have an EpiCombo bound to my UDCodes for label types so it lists all available label types, but when a user clicks a job, I want the LabelType from the part record to set the selected value. I feel like I just did an awful job explaining that.
My work in progress form (using your dashboard form trick):