Epicor 9.05.702A Icons Explained

Can anyone tell me what the icons mean in Epicor 9? I see the following but don’t know what the difference is between them We have menu items with what looks like the following

Printer Icon
Form\Screen Icon
Two Forms in an Inbox looking Icon
Form with a gear on it
Box with Magnifying Glass

Any help would be appreciated

The icons on the menu system can be changed, so the following isn’t an exact rule

image - Typically means a report

image - Form\Screen Icon - Typically an entry screen for programs under a “General Operations” folder

image - Two Forms in an Inbox looking Icon. A “setup” program. Programs that are typically under the “Setup” folders. I think the icon is supposed to represent index cards.

image - Form with a gear on it - A program that is used to initiate some sort of processing.

image - Box with Magnifying Glass - These are for Trackers. Trackers are like a Read Only view of the data entry programs, but often have related info not displayed in the “non-tracker”

For example, the Customer program (image ) is in the “Settings” folder, and is used to create a new customer, or do maintenence on that customer.

The Customer Tracker (image) program shows you everything in the Customer setup, plus data related to that customer (like all the orders that customer was used on)


These were all pulled from E10… Yours may vary


Calvin - thanks so much for your help. This is exactly what I was looking for and makes perfect sense to me.

These are the same in E9 - at least they are in our instance.