I concur,except for existing customizations moving to C# is a good idea. For simple customizations you might make the change as part of your upgrade. In the customization maintenance screen there is a conversion utility that will help convert VB to C#. You still need to use a VB to C# converter that you can find on Google easily.
For upgraded customizations existing controls may appear to disappear but what can happen is the parent GUID has changed between versions. If you go into the customization maintenance utility you can put the customization through some validation checks and it also allows you to view the custom code in a grid format that makes it a bit easier to fix things. What you might need to do is open the current screen in 9 in a clean customization session, locate the group/panel/tab that your custom control is supposed to go on. Then go into your customization via customization maintenance and change the parent GUID to the new number. The catch 22 is sometimes the location doesn't even exist in 9. in that case you can either put them on another location or remove the phantom controls via the customization maintenance screen and manually add them back through normal customization work.
Jim Kinneman
Senior Consultant
Encompass Solutions, Inc
For upgraded customizations existing controls may appear to disappear but what can happen is the parent GUID has changed between versions. If you go into the customization maintenance utility you can put the customization through some validation checks and it also allows you to view the custom code in a grid format that makes it a bit easier to fix things. What you might need to do is open the current screen in 9 in a clean customization session, locate the group/panel/tab that your custom control is supposed to go on. Then go into your customization via customization maintenance and change the parent GUID to the new number. The catch 22 is sometimes the location doesn't even exist in 9. in that case you can either put them on another location or remove the phantom controls via the customization maintenance screen and manually add them back through normal customization work.
Jim Kinneman
Senior Consultant
Encompass Solutions, Inc
--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, Mark Wonsil <mark_wonsil@...> wrote:
> >
> > Tip: When you start your new customizations, make sure you select VB as the default language. You can now code in VB or C#.
> >
> Tip: If you want to use Epicor Anywhere, the web-based screens for
> Epicor, then make C# as your default language. Epicor uses a C# to
> JavaScript converter but does not have one for VB. Only C#
> customizations will transfer to the web pages.
> Mark W.