Hello Everyone,
I would like to discuss about this below topic. Appreciate your time in advance.
In Automation Studio recipe, I am trying to achieve these tasks using Propel/Salesforce Connector…
- Create an ECO record in Epicor when there is an XML file generated in Propel - Working fine.
- Checkout the Part/assembly under the generated ECO to update the rev and details associated with it from Propel - not working with either Custom method or Custom action in the recipe. Getting this error, “Cannot check out discrete part to a group with checked out process type parts.”
The same process is working completely fine manually in Epicor with any of the Parts.
Now, without checking out part/parts, there is no way I can proceed further or link the Part’s REV to an ECO. Same thing with an assembly as well, not able to check out the assembly to assign either operation and/or materials to it without checking it out…
Does anyone know how to resolve this error ?