Kinetic version.
Restricted from using Update BPM do to Cloud implementation. Need to update a UD field on a Closed Job without reopening… Any thoughts / tricks ? thanks…
If it’s not a MT instance, then the cloud has nothing to do with the restriction.
You didn’t respond yet, but assuming it’s not a MT instance, I just ran a test.
Made an updateable BAQ , chose the JobEntry BO as the update object.
I can change the UD fields, no problem.
opening the job to make the change shouldn’t be an issue. You can even set the Completion and Closed dates back to their original values if need be.
When we attempt to assign Advanced BMP rights to a user , receive error message denying us from doing so -----
'Advanced BPM User rights are NOT available to Kinetic MultiTenant Cloud users …"
Agreed , just trying to not disrupt the original Closing. But may have to if no other option is available. thanks
Yes, that’s what I was referring to. If they are MT - MultiTenant, then the options are limited.
It’s probably time to encourage them to get off of it.
appreciate the input.
Recall back before Multi Tenant was a thing, people would use Ids , call outs, names such as MT Head Productions … Now we have alot of MT advances and promises. (MultiTenant) Couldn’t resist …