Epicor Customization

Sure just use the directory.listfiles from System.IO library.

On Jan 28, 2015 5:49 PM, "dj.demoulin@... [vantage]" <vantage@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

  <p>Or, I guess, perhaps a better way to describe, is there a way to replicate the functionality of the File Name button in the External File Reference Maintenance entry window?</p>


<div style="color:#fff;min-height:0;"></div>

 I am wondering if anyone is aware of a way to populate an Epicor EpiUltra with a dynamic list of files?  What I would like to do is give my user the opportunity to select a file name from a directory list and populate that data into a ud character field for later use.  Seems like it would be a perfect use for an adapter to search for the data, but not sure if such an adapter exists.  Any ideas appreciated.   DJD
Or, I guess, perhaps a better way to describe, is there a way to replicate the functionality of the File Name button in the External File Reference Maintenance entry window?