Epicor Insights Nashville 2024 - I remember a class talking about how to automate copying a user account


I was at this year’s Epicor Insights and got overloaded with information, lol.

I seem to remember a class where they either talked about or walked you through how to automate copying an existing user to create a new user account.

Am I crazy?

If anyone remembers this, please let me know.

I would love to set this up as we seem to have people hired all the time.

Any help is truly appreciated.

If you’re on prem you can copy and paste the user in the admin console on the app server.

Unfortunatley, we were moved to Gov Cloud.

I thounght it might have been with functions but I could be mis-remembering.

I thought that answer was going to be too simple for you :rofl:

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That’s up for debate.

I do recall something along these lines as well.

Was it one of the Automation Studio workshops, I know during the advanced one at least they used automation studio to create the user accounts for automation studio, and I believe in the session I was in they talked about using it to create Epicor user accounts.

I believe it also came up in one of the AI sessions where they had the panel talking about what they were doing with AI and someone asked about that.