Epicor Mass Receipts

Good day, in the mass receipt window, I added my own process button and tried to have it execute some BO from  the trace I have. Once the button is clicked, it runs those method calls but nothing happens. It should work based on the methods I am calling but does not do anything.  The method call is below:

 private void btnProcess_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs args)
  // ** Place Event Handling Code Here **

private void CallReceiptAdapterAutoSetToLocationToDfltMethod()
   // Declare and Initialize EpiDataView Variables
   // Declare and create an instance of the Adapter.
   ReceiptAdapter adapterReceipt = new ReceiptAdapter(this.oTrans);

   // Call Adapter method
   bool result = adapterReceipt.AutoSetToLocationToDflt();

   // Cleanup Adapter Reference

  } catch (System.Exception ex)

Does anyone know how to intercept the Process button click in mass receipts via customization?

We are trying to disable the set all to locations button and have that button executes is BO methods when the user clicks on the  Process button.

Hide it and replace it with your own button, then you can handle things as desired.

Jim Kinneman
Encompass Solutions, Inc

That worked. The only issue I am having with my customization is that the button I added, once anchored Bottom, left will not hold or stay after I save the customization.  It always default back to anchoring at Top, Left.

Have you seen this problem before? I am developing with two monitors.