Epicor scheduling

On job operations, don't overlook Scheduling factors:
1. Scheduling Blocks
2. Operation relationship: Start-to-Start, Finish-To-Start, or Finish-To-Finish

On material requirements, remember to assign Related Operations so that scheduling will take in account material availability when scheduling operation start dates. If material requirements are not being issued from inventory, make sure the "Purchase Direct" checkbox is checked adn lead time is populated.

I uploaded the Scheduling TechRefGuide_803404.pdf to the files section of this group. It is NOT exciting reading but it gives relatively good base information for how the scheduling engine 'thinks'.

Are you running the base scheduling module or do you also have ASP or MRP?

Virginia Joseph
Deep Hole Specialists, LLC

--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "jim_chance" <jim_chance@...> wrote:
> Does "ANYONE" have scheduling going? ??
> Re-posting from 6/1/2011.
> Does anyone have a list of bulllet points to check/setup/configure to ensure scheduling runs properly?
> So far I have:
> 1) Capacities
> 2) Work centers/resources
> 3) Resource groups
> 4) Infinite/finite
> 5) Lead times
> 6) Forward, Backward or both
> 7) Crew size
> 7.5) Finite horizon option in the resource group
> 8) Setup & Run times - could look at history to update
> 9) Calendar
> Feedback from anyone who has gotten scheduling fully running on 8 or 9 would be
> appreciated.
> Thank you very much.
Does "ANYONE" have scheduling going? ??
Re-posting from 6/1/2011.

Does anyone have a list of bulllet points to check/setup/configure to ensure scheduling runs properly?

So far I have:
1) Capacities
2) Work centers/resources
3) Resource groups
4) Infinite/finite
5) Lead times
6) Forward, Backward or both
7) Crew size
7.5) Finite horizon option in the resource group
8) Setup & Run times - could look at history to update
9) Calendar

Feedback from anyone who has gotten scheduling fully running on 8 or 9 would be

Thank you very much.