Epicor SSRS Error

I received this error when I am trying to run a select statement in a text box in SSRS. So, basically, I am trying to return a field which is not in the given dataset. So I have run a subquery which returns the value using the existing dataset as a container.

But I don’t know how to represent that return value in the Expression field. Because the expression field returns a value which is within the dataset provided.

I have provided the SQL that I have written.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

My intention is to return the “CommentText” value. However, the dataset does not contain any commenttext field, but an EmpID field. So I have created the subquery below that brings up the CommentText from LaborDtlComment table and when it matches with the EmpID in the report dataset it returns the CommentText Value.


[CommentReturnQuery].[LaborDtlComment_CommentText] as


[EmpBasic].[EmpID] as [EmpBasic_EmpID]

from Erp.EmpBasic as EmpBasic

inner join (select

[LaborDtlComment].[CommentText] as [LaborDtlComment_CommentText],

[LaborDtl].[EmployeeNum] as [LaborDtl_EmployeeNum]

from Erp.LaborDtlComment as LaborDtlComment

inner join Erp.LaborDtl as LaborDtl on

LaborDtlComment.Company = LaborDtl.Company

and LaborDtlComment.LaborHedSeq = LaborDtl.LaborHedSeq

and LaborDtlComment.LaborDtlSeq = LaborDtl.LaborDtlSeq)  as 

CommentReturnQuery on

EmpBasic.EmpID = CommentReturnQuery.LaborDtl_EmployeeNum>

My aim is to show the CommentText value in a text field. So I will create the

text field and it will contain the SQL that I have written. Can anyone help

me in this case?

Sounds like you would want to update your Report Data Definition to include this data and write either a sub report, an additional dataset, or a better select statement.

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Hi Jason
Thanks for your comment. I have added the subquery in the dataset SQL embedded in the report as I don’t have any option (permission) to add a new set. However it is not returning any value atm. I believe I have written the query properly. There’s something I am missing.

My subquery returns the PersonID which is returned by the SELECT statement. I have updated the report definition by uploading new report and have RUN it

Do you know if I remove the ‘=’ and “quote” marks from the SQL in the dataset, will it work underneath the report?

Did you add it into the query for your dataset or did you create a new data set and paste your query into the query editor? What report are you editing?

My advice for modifying Epicor SSRS dataset queries is to edit the query directly in the RDL (XML) file. Use a good Text Editor (like TextPad) so you know where the single quotes and double quotes are exactly. I have found this is easier than trying to modify the query within the GUI designer.

Hi Thomas, Thanks for your suggestions. Just to be sure, If one of the tables is not in the dataset, then I can add them via report data definition and then sync the data definition with the reporting style?