Epicors Windows 10 notifications - don't work most of the time

Does anyone else have the problem were Epicor gives a windows notification that they sent out a message, and you click on it and nothing happens?

You referring to the SysMonitor pop-up?

The ones that are supposed to take you here yeah:

I’m still on 10.2.300. So we’re probably luck enough not to get those.

Notifications in general are a mess in Windows 10 for almost any application. I’d wager dollars to doughnuts it isn’t Epicor specific

Some days I get notifications that are up to a week late.


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BAHAHAH! touche sir, touche!

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I’ve never seen those how do you get them?

You have to kiss Epicor’s SaaS.


Thanks for the chuckles guys and the underlining expectation setting.