This is what I am using to loop through each row in the Grid & then
set Values:
Dim rowTypes As GridRowType = GridRowType.DataRow
Dim band As UltraGridBand = ugdEpiCustom1.DisplayLayout.Bands(0)
Dim enumerator As IEnumerable = band.GetRowEnumerator(rowTypes)
Dim row As UltraGridRow
For Each row In enumerator
row.cells(11).Value = "WORKING"
--- In, "Michael McWilliams"
<mmcwilliams22@...> wrote:
set Values:
Dim rowTypes As GridRowType = GridRowType.DataRow
Dim band As UltraGridBand = ugdEpiCustom1.DisplayLayout.Bands(0)
Dim enumerator As IEnumerable = band.GetRowEnumerator(rowTypes)
Dim row As UltraGridRow
For Each row In enumerator
row.cells(11).Value = "WORKING"
--- In, "Michael McWilliams"
<mmcwilliams22@...> wrote:
> I am trying to loop through all rows in an UltraGrid. I am
> the example from Infragistics Using TraverseAllRowsHelper. I amepicontrols
> getting an error that TraverseAllRowsHelper is not a member of
> Epicor.Mfg.UI.Framework.EpiUltraGrid.
> Is there another way to do this? I though that all the
> were infragistics.