EpiUltraGrid with checkbox column issue


I have a UD103 customization with an EpiUltragrid binded to the EpiDataView UD103A. The first column in my view is a CheckBox. If the user click on the checkbox of a row, the checkbox become checked/unchecked, when the user click in the checkbox of another row, an update are triggered and the state of the checkbox of the updated row was pushed to the database and the checkbox of the new selected row become checked/unchecked. Most of the time, when the user click on a checkbox at the bottom of the visible area of the grid, the state of the checkbox change, if he decide to scroll down and click on the checkbox of a new visible row, and update are triggered so the state of the previous row are save but the state of the new checkbox was lost.


5 posts were merged into an existing topic: EpiUltraGrid UD103A