EpiUsers.help Insights 2022 Panel Presenters

My employee #Insights2022 invite finally arrived, so I am officially registered and going. (I bet you all were worried)… :wink:
Looking forward to seeing all of you at Insights!


I was on the edge of my seat waiting. :wink:

Is JitterBit presenting their “Epicor to Salesforce” integration? I think they are making corrections to their prepackaged solution based on the 50+ hours of support sessions we had to get it working.

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I’ve been extremely busy with work. Beyond Busy. I was hoping to show you the magic of BufferCopy and how it has solved 1000 headaches. :slight_smile: Maybe next year. I am coming as a spectator… I could always help flip slides via mouse-click for anyone. :slight_smile:


I would like to know about the buffercopy too :wink:


I am wishing a lot better days ahead for you and the salesforce integration.

I would like to hear more about the process and some takeaways you had.

Will you be at insights?

Hey Utah

I’ll be at insights from May 20th - 27th.

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I’ll be at insights from May 20th - 27th.

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I’ll be at insights from May 20th - 27th. :yum:

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[quote=“josecgomez, post:51, topic:87564, full:true”]


[quote=“josecgomez, post:51, topic:87564”]

I’ll be at insights from May 20th - 27th.

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[quote=“hasokeric, post:53, topic:87564, full:true”]

[quote=“josecgomez, post:51, topic:87564”]

Nice, I’ll be at insights from May 20th - 27th.

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Looking forward to meet you

Hi Guys - i will be there from the 21st until the 27th.

Hello all

Not sure if this is the place for this, but I will be at Insights from the 21st to the 26th.

I will be seeing the new top gun movie on the 27th.

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I attended all of these panel presenter sessions - seems like a few times someone mentioned there would be something posted on EpiUsers.Help with downloads (e.g. sample code, maybe the Zebra Printer Status dashboard @Chris_Conn showed off :slight_smile: ) Has that been posted somewhere on here and I’m failing to search for it?

I felt like most of the customer-led sessions should have been in larger rooms this year, @Banderson. Anyone else get that sense? They all seemed packed, sweaty, and uncomfortable while a few of the more official Epicor ones I went to had huge, mostly empty rooms.

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Don’t they always put us in that one down there? I swear we were in the same one 2 years ago and it’s ALWAYS packed!

I filled out the survey stating the sessions were standing room only, and we need larger rooms next year. Not sure if the app/web is still active, but fill out your surveys if you didn’t!



Sorry, I think my first question got buried in the room size discussion. Is anything being posted to these forums that was discussed as possibly being posted during the breakout sessions?

I did find this post by reading the note @josecgomez had in one of his slides:
Class to Kinetic Upgrade Helper - Kinetic 202X - Epicor User Help Forum (epiusers.help)

Here are the guts of it - I need to sanitize before I share the whole project but these are the most important bits:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;

 public static class Zebra
        public static ZebraStatus GetStatus(string name)
            // Printer IP Address and communication port
            string ipAddress = name;         
            int port = 9100;  //the default, did you change it?

            // ZPL Command(s)
            string ZPLString = "~HS";
            /*"^XA" +
            "^FO50,50" +
            "^A0N50,50" +
            "^FDHello, World!^FS" +

                // Open connection
                System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient client = new System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient();
                Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch();
                client.SendTimeout = 3000;
                client.ReceiveTimeout = 5000;
                var success = client.ConnectAsync(ipAddress, port).Wait(1800); //conn timeout
                if (!success)
                    // throw new Exception("Failed to connect.");
                    var resp2 = new ZebraStatus();
                    resp2.Name = name;
                    return resp2;

                // Write ZPL String to connection
                System.IO.StreamWriter writer =
                new System.IO.StreamWriter(client.GetStream());

                var ns = client.GetStream();

                var buflen = client.Available;
                var attempts = 0;
                while (buflen == 0 && attempts++ < 20)

                    buflen = client.Available;

                var mybuf = new byte[buflen];
                //ns.Read(mybuf, 0, (int)ns.Length);
                var cnt = 0;
                var abort = false;
                while (cnt < buflen && !abort)
                    int val = ns.ReadByte();
                    if (val == -1)
                        abort = true;

                    mybuf[cnt++] = (byte)val;

                var time = stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

                // Close Connection

                var resp = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(mybuf);
                var status = new ZebraStatus();
                status.Name = ipAddress;
                status.ResponseTime = time;

                //PrinterResponse.Text = status.ToString();

                return status;
            catch (Exception ex)
                var resp = new ZebraStatus();
                resp.Name = name;
                //PrinterResponse.Text = resp.ToString();

                return resp;
                // Catch Exception


    public class ZebraStatus
            //comm, paperout,pause, labellen, formats, BUFF FULL, Diagnostics, PartialFormat, 3 0's, crpt ram, temp under, temp over
            //Func, unused, head open, ribbon out, thermal mode, print mode, print width, label waiting, labels remaining (8), 1, num of images(3)

            public string Name;
            public string IP;
            public bool PaperOut;
            public bool Paused;
            public bool BufferFull;
            public bool Diagnostics;
            public bool PartialFormat;
            public bool CorruptRam;
            public bool OverTemp;
            public bool UnderTemp;
            public bool HeadOpen;
            public bool RibbonOut;
            public bool ThermalTransfer;
            public int PrintMode;
            public bool LabelWaiting;
            public bool Connected = false;
            public long ResponseTime = 0;
            public bool IsOnline = false;
            public DateTime LastUpdate = DateTime.Now;
        public DateTime? LastResponse = null;
        public bool IsQuerying = true;//false;

            public bool LoadFromString(string input)
                var statuslist = input.Split(',');

                    PaperOut = statuslist[1] == "1";
                    Paused = statuslist[2] == "1";
                    BufferFull = statuslist[5] == "1";
                    Diagnostics = statuslist[6] == "1";
                    PartialFormat = statuslist[7] == "1";
                    CorruptRam = statuslist[8] == "1";
                    OverTemp = statuslist[9] == "1";
                    UnderTemp = statuslist[10] == "1";
                    HeadOpen = statuslist[13] == "1";
                    RibbonOut = statuslist[14] == "1";
                    ThermalTransfer = statuslist[15] == "1";
                    PrintMode = Convert.ToInt32(statuslist[16]);
                    LabelWaiting = statuslist[17] == "1";
                    IsOnline = true;
                    IsQuerying = false;
                    LastResponse = DateTime.Now;
                catch(Exception e)
                    Connected = false;
                    return false;

                Connected = true;
                return true;

            public override string ToString()
                string n = Environment.NewLine;
                string response = this.Connected ?
                    $"Name: {this.Name}{n}ResponseTime(ms):{this.ResponseTime}{n}Paused:{this.Paused}{n}PaperOut:{this.PaperOut}{n}BufferFull:{this.BufferFull}{n}HeadOpen:{this.HeadOpen}{n}RibbonOut:{this.RibbonOut}{n}LabelWaiting:{this.LabelWaiting}{n}" :
                    $"Name: { this.Name}{n}Not Connected!";

                return response;

----- USAGE-----
ZebraStatus status = Zebra.GetStatus(PrinterIPorHostName);

Give me a bit and I’ll share the project (with the disclaimer I am not a webdev)

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