Eprocurrement module

We just viewed the web seminar for Eprocurrement, the new web based
purchasing from Epicor. Is any one using this new feature that can
shed some light on this process? From the seminar it seems that you
would have to enter or obtain your vendor/supplier catalog and enter
that into the Eprocurrement system. It also seems that from an RFQ
standpoint that you would be limited to those catalogs that you have
entered into your system. Does anyone know if a type of emarketplace
is possible throughout an unlimited vendor list. Our company is
interested in this process. We have also been shown another product
called Metalmaker. This program is geared to the foundry industry
and our company would have access to all of the companies that are in
this marketplace and would be abe to analyze trends and costs
throughout our industry. We are still looking at all the
possibilites of how this would interact with Vantage which could
possibly include some custom programming. If anyone has the
Eprocurremnt module, I would like to talk with you. Please contact
me off line. Thank you.

Joanne Yargeau
Accounting Manager
Taylor-Pohlman Inc
716 662-3113 x120