ERP 9 Reason Code GL Accounts

I am tying to query the inspection reason codes to display the associated GL Control Code and accounts. I can’t figure out the table relations. Looking for:

Reason Code : GL Control Acct

Thanks in advance.

Do you mean the GL Control Details in Reason Code Maintenance?

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Thanks that helped. However, I cannot see the table Typelist, which field help says in the Reason Type field.

What you’re looking for is in the Reason table

Field is Reason Type

“S” - Scrap

“R” - Rework

“M” - Inventory Adjustments

“A” - RMA

“D” - DMR

“Q” - Quality Assurance

“C” - Service Calls

“W” Win CRM

“L” - Loss CRM

“T” Task CRM

“H” - Part On Hold

“E” ECO Task

“H” HelpDesk

“C” Service Call

“U” Course Result

“F” Field Service Contract


Yep thanks. And thanks Epicor for making this so complex. Why not just put the Reason Type in the field rather than S, R, etc.

Maybe you can help with something else. I found some reason codes that didn’t have a GL account attached. There must be a default setting for missing GLs in company configuration but I cannot find it.

Thanks in advance if you can help.

Sytem Setup, Company/Site Maintenance/Company Configuration

Modules/All Modules/GL Control/List

Should have AP/AR/COS and WIP/Project Billing

That’s the last place in the hierarchy that Epicor looks for GL Accounts.
