We are running into the following error message when trying to reconnect
demand to a job in Vantage 5.0.329
Cycle is procedure calls detected in db/trg/labordt/write.p while executing
write trigger for job for job oper (2868).
The workaround (first zero out labor hours, and costs then try again) given
by tech support has not worked - has anyone solved this problem or actually
gotten a work around to work.
Mercer Sisson
Insaco Inc
demand to a job in Vantage 5.0.329
Cycle is procedure calls detected in db/trg/labordt/write.p while executing
write trigger for job for job oper (2868).
The workaround (first zero out labor hours, and costs then try again) given
by tech support has not worked - has anyone solved this problem or actually
gotten a work around to work.
Mercer Sisson
Insaco Inc