Error: CS0430 - line 18 (18) - The extern alias ’ Microsoft Office Interop Outlook ’ was not specified in a /reference option
seem to be getting this on some windows 10 laptops no issues with windows 7
kinda stumped
When does this error pop up? What are you doing to get this error?
when the user goes into PO Entry which has been customized
If you comment out that line, does it work? Or is there still live code depending on the non-referenced dll?
once we click ok on the error box it loads the menu but the customization is gone.
I mean if you open the customization, go to the offending line and comment it out. Does it compile and run?
It sounds like there’s a missing dll, and I suspect it’s a problematic one since it isn’t standard Epicor, at least in our installation. So the first thing to check is whether it’s actually needed.
the .ddl is there it works on some windows 10 machines
We’ve had related error messages for two reasons -
One is that the dll isn’t there on some computers (we have a couple of manually added dlls the the client update process normally manages but can slip up on).
The second is that that “extern alias” line itself is the problem, which happened for us on uplift from 10.1 to 10.2, mainly. In that case commenting the line out fixed the problem without affecting anything else.
Either way I’d say commenting it out is worth trying. Not much lost if it doesn’t work.
ok we will give that a try
turns out it was a bad image