I duplicated reported data definition and report style, when I want to sync data for SSRS report, this error showed up.
it is a system report. So I didn’t have BAQ
How can I fix it. We didn’t do any change in database.
Thanks all
I duplicated reported data definition and report style, when I want to sync data for SSRS report, this error showed up.
it is a system report. So I didn’t have BAQ
How can I fix it. We didn’t do any change in database.
Thanks all
Wouldn’t be surprised if the “-” is not allowed in the field name.
Thanks, I exported data definition, then opened and changed Calc_Voucher-String to Calc_Voucher_String. I also changed the field name in SSRS report. The error still be here.
Did you regenerate your data model?
Sorry, I don’t know how to regenerate data model. I just deleted the old duplicated one and imported the new data definition.
You will likely want to regenerate your data model on the application server. If you only change the definition client side, it will not stick on the database and thus you will continue to have this problem.
To do this, go to your app server and start Epicor Administration console. Under the Database Server Management section, you will want to find your SQL server and click Regenerate Data Model. This will take some time.
after this has finished, go to the Server Management section, find your environment, and click “recycle IIS”.
After this, your fields will have synced to the database.
Thank you, I am afraid I don’t have access to do this. I will try it later.