Error on Sub-Contract Receipt

No We have not had a chance to check it yet. Our Purchase mgr was on vacation, & now we are in middle of Inventor, so nothing has been received. We should know in a couple of days as we will be bringing in sub contract items later this week.

--- In, "rkbiggs" <rkbiggs@...> wrote:
> have you had a chance to try this on 505b yet? The tech from Epicor had no clue and hasn't called back as promised.
> --- In, "howco22" <agortman@> wrote:
> >
> > Are you trying to do a receipt to job?
> >
> > We are on 9.04.505b (worked in 9.04-505A, have not tried 505b yet as we just loaded the patch yesterday). Will let you know when we have a sub-contact item to receive...
> >
> > --- In, "rkbiggs" <rkbiggs@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Epicor 9.04.505B
> > >
> > > We're getting an error when attempting to do a sub-contract receipt that we are not licensed for warehousing. We can do a receipt to stock with no error. We were always able to perform this function before converting to E9. Put in a support call to epicor but haven't heard anything from them yet. Has anyone else encountered this? We sub out a lot of work so this is getting very annoying.
> > >
> >
Epicor 9.04.505B

We're getting an error when attempting to do a sub-contract receipt that we are not licensed for warehousing. We can do a receipt to stock with no error. We were always able to perform this function before converting to E9. Put in a support call to epicor but haven't heard anything from them yet. Has anyone else encountered this? We sub out a lot of work so this is getting very annoying.

Sent: Wed Dec 23 11:04:58 2009
Subject: [Vantage] Error on Sub-Contract Receipt

Epicor 9.04.505B

We're getting an error when attempting to do a sub-contract receipt that we are not licensed for warehousing. We can do a receipt to stock with no error. We were always able to perform this function before converting to E9. Put in a support call to epicor but haven't heard anything from them yet. Has anyone else encountered this? We sub out a lot of work so this is getting very annoying.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Are you trying to do a receipt to job?

We are on 9.04.505b (worked in 9.04-505A, have not tried 505b yet as we just loaded the patch yesterday). Will let you know when we have a sub-contact item to receive...

--- In, "rkbiggs" <rkbiggs@...> wrote:
> Epicor 9.04.505B
> We're getting an error when attempting to do a sub-contract receipt that we are not licensed for warehousing. We can do a receipt to stock with no error. We were always able to perform this function before converting to E9. Put in a support call to epicor but haven't heard anything from them yet. Has anyone else encountered this? We sub out a lot of work so this is getting very annoying.
have you had a chance to try this on 505b yet? The tech from Epicor had no clue and hasn't called back as promised.

--- In, "howco22" <agortman@...> wrote:
> Are you trying to do a receipt to job?
> We are on 9.04.505b (worked in 9.04-505A, have not tried 505b yet as we just loaded the patch yesterday). Will let you know when we have a sub-contact item to receive...
> --- In, "rkbiggs" <rkbiggs@> wrote:
> >
> > Epicor 9.04.505B
> >
> > We're getting an error when attempting to do a sub-contract receipt that we are not licensed for warehousing. We can do a receipt to stock with no error. We were always able to perform this function before converting to E9. Put in a support call to epicor but haven't heard anything from them yet. Has anyone else encountered this? We sub out a lot of work so this is getting very annoying.
> >