Ever add AR Aging to Customer Credit Manager?

Here is an excerpt from some code I use - this may not be the method you want.....

Dim arTrackerTotals As ARAgingTrackerAdapter = New ARAgingTrackerAdapter(oTrans)

Dim dsARTot As Epicor.Mfg.BO.ARTrackerTotDataSet = arTrackerTotals.GenerateTracker(drCustomer("CustID").ToString())

<do whatever>


--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "cooner_55421" <cooner_55421@...> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am looking for an example of a customization that uses the ARAgingTrackerAdapter. Anybody have something they can share?
> I want to duplicate a panel from the Customer Tracker and put it on the Customer Credit Manager.
> Customer Tracker -> Financial -> Invoices -> Aging (existing panel).
> Customer Credit Manager -> AR Aging (new duplicate panel).
> Thanks

I am looking for an example of a customization that uses the ARAgingTrackerAdapter. Anybody have something they can share?

I want to duplicate a panel from the Customer Tracker and put it on the Customer Credit Manager.

Customer Tracker -> Financial -> Invoices -> Aging (existing panel).
Customer Credit Manager -> AR Aging (new duplicate panel).
