As Jose suggested, you might want to get on Epicweb first.
You might find it a little confusing to locate the manuals you want.
Here's an example for some of the ebooks for E9
---- E9 Documentation Library section
------- Release 9.05.700
---------- Deliverable User Guide eBook
-------------- EpicorICETools 1 thru 3
-------------- EpicorUserExpCust_UserGuide 1 thru 3
You can also use Search Answerbooks menu to find some basic examples.
Try selecting your product and use "All Key Words" CUST
Good luck
You might find it a little confusing to locate the manuals you want.
Here's an example for some of the ebooks for E9
---- E9 Documentation Library section
------- Release 9.05.700
---------- Deliverable User Guide eBook
-------------- EpicorICETools 1 thru 3
-------------- EpicorUserExpCust_UserGuide 1 thru 3
You can also use Search Answerbooks menu to find some basic examples.
Try selecting your product and use "All Key Words" CUST
Good luck