EWA and QuickSearch

Does anyone else have (or has had) this problem?

I have a customized form deployed as an EWA form. The form has an associated default quicksearch.

All is well in the client but in the EWA, when you select a quick search record, it does not populate\load on the screen.

As an unrelated side note, I also found that a BPM that uses a condition with a CallContext parameter bombs on out when used on EWA.

Shameless bump, but I leave you with this:

LOL @Chris_Conn, they need to make those in adult sizes. :nerd_face:

I just wanted to mention that we have a customized UD form with some C# code behind it and after I deployed it for EWA and opened it up in the browser, the fields were all horked-up and the customization did not work at all. I sent Epicor a copy of the Customization and they verified that it was not working properly, even in their current version of Epicor, and they forwarded it to Development. Unfortunately that was a major Customization that we were looking forward to using in EWA. :sob: Seems like there is some work that needs to be done with EWA customized forms for sure…

Thanks for the input. I am curious what version that was. My client is on a dusty 10.1.500

Almost as dusty! We are on 10.1.600…but I believe Epicor tested it in their 10.2 environment and confirmed that it did not work for them either and pushed it to development.

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I´ve been having this issue since 10.0.700.4… we still have a major custom wanted to use in EWA, but have been trying to deploy it in all the previous versions to 10.1.600.34 with the same exact behavior… it is not working at all…

would you mind keeping us posted with EPICOR response to your case?

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I sure can keep you posted on Epicor’s response to my case!

They told me that my UD Form customization didn’t work in EWA for 10.2.300.7 when they tested it either. So they created a problem case with Development. Even in the notes for Development it says:

EXPECTED BEHAVIOR: The UD17 Customization should work the same way in EWA as it does in the Epicor Client.

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lol, which one is your problem number? probably if I create another ticket and link it to the problem would help…

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Sure! Problem#: PRB0209166