Excluding Parts from Cycle Counting

Hello! I’m curious what everyones procedures are if you wish to not include certain parts as part of your cycle counting program. We don’t have a lot that fall into this criteria, but some (like chassis and raw material) that are more controlled and better counted in isolation.

I have read a few different options, but throwing it out here for your procedures? Thanks in advance!

I always recommend creating a new ABC code “N” = No Count, and then click the little box to “Exclude from Cycle Count”. And apply this to any parts you dont want to count.


Thank you, I was planning on testing this a bit. Do you know if it would also exclude them from a full physical inventory too?

CC excluded parts still show up on full physicals.

Off hand, I can’t think of a way to exclude a whole (qty bearing) part from a physical. Then again, I’ve never looked for that specific “feature”.


Thanks, that’s ok I actually would still want them included in the physical. I’m going to do some testing. Thanks for the advice!

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