Expiring Lots, Inventory Level, and PO Suggestions

Can you write a report that will display all parts with expire dates and only display if within the parts lead time?


LT = 30 days

Expires: 1/15/2015


Today + LT   > Expire Date



Tie this to a service connect and if a row is present send  it to the appropriate person?


Miguel A. Santillan

Compass Manufacturing Systems


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2014 1:27 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] Re: Expiring Lots, Inventory Level, and PO Suggestions



Good Afternoon Chris:


We are in the process of implementing Lots in the company, and found out the same issue you just described... We have no idea what to do, so in case you have found a way to handle this please share.


We will do the same.




Jorge Cabrera



We utilize lots with expiration dates for our raw materials (parts) here at our company.  We
also utilize MRP.  What we’ve found out is that MRP processes all of the
demand with all of the supply and displays it neatly on the Time Phase Inquiry
screen and generates Purchase Order Suggestions
based upon this supply and demand comparison
.  What we have also
found, the hard way, is that the supply
shows up over time as being useable(not expired)
regardless of whether it is expiring or not.
 Time Phase will continue to show supply of a material indefinitely
even though the lots of that material actually expire, and become unusable, at
some time in the future. On the day a lot of raw material (part) expires it
simply disappears from inventory with no warning whatsoever without this
occurrence being planned for by MRP in any way. Because MRP considers this
supply as good until the moment it expires we have supply problems when a lot
does expire. When a lot does expire MRP calculates purchase suggestions based
upon the new inventory level and then creates new purchasing suggestions. The
problem with this is that there is no warning whatsoever by MRP of this
upcoming  occurrence and with lead times sometimes in the months to
replace this inventory we have potential for enormous production delays and
 We have confirmed with Epicor that MRP does not consider
expiration dates or even lots.

What I am looking for is if anyone else has experienced this
issue and knows how to get around it or just wants to help with a serious
conundrum how to handle this.  Right now we have to manage it outside the
system (in Excel) to ensure that we don’t miss an expiration compared to

Any ideas?



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Good Afternoon Chris:

We are in the process of implementing Lots in the company, and found out the same issue you just described... We have no idea what to do, so in case you have found a way to handle this please share.

We will do the same.


Jorge Cabrera

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