Exporting Security Groups to another DB on the same server


I'm not so familiar with the Data Administration tool. I only use it to do a D/R but with the help of a guide. Is it possible you could enumerate the steps for me or if you have a guide I could follow? Thank you.

--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "bw2868bond" <bwalker@...> wrote:
> export the data using the progress data administration tool - change company ID (if included in data - make sure field length stays the same)
> import data into new db using data administration.....
> you can do the same thing for custom rdd's as well
> if you are importing on top of existing data, make sure you change the value for the number of errors encountered before it bails on the import
> --- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "mobilevox" <juy@> wrote:
> >
> > We have acquired another company and will be converting them to Vantage 803.409C (Progress) in the next few months. They will be in their own database for a year and will be merged with the main DB after. We are basically going to set up Vantage almost identical to the our Vantage for easy merging. I was wondering if there is a way to copy/export/import all our security groups to the new company. It would be great to do this rather than creating them one by one and adding the access. Or maybe someone might have a better way of doing what we are trying to do here.
> > 1. Set up new company
> > 2. Upload Data from old system to Vantage using DMT
> > 3. Merge new company to current company using DMT
> >
> > Any help will do. Thanks.
> >
We have acquired another company and will be converting them to Vantage 803.409C (Progress) in the next few months. They will be in their own database for a year and will be merged with the main DB after. We are basically going to set up Vantage almost identical to the our Vantage for easy merging. I was wondering if there is a way to copy/export/import all our security groups to the new company. It would be great to do this rather than creating them one by one and adding the access. Or maybe someone might have a better way of doing what we are trying to do here.
1. Set up new company
2. Upload Data from old system to Vantage using DMT
3. Merge new company to current company using DMT

Any help will do. Thanks.
export the data using the progress data administration tool - change company ID (if included in data - make sure field length stays the same)
import data into new db using data administration.....

you can do the same thing for custom rdd's as well

if you are importing on top of existing data, make sure you change the value for the number of errors encountered before it bails on the import

--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "mobilevox" <juy@...> wrote:
> We have acquired another company and will be converting them to Vantage 803.409C (Progress) in the next few months. They will be in their own database for a year and will be merged with the main DB after. We are basically going to set up Vantage almost identical to the our Vantage for easy merging. I was wondering if there is a way to copy/export/import all our security groups to the new company. It would be great to do this rather than creating them one by one and adding the access. Or maybe someone might have a better way of doing what we are trying to do here.
> 1. Set up new company
> 2. Upload Data from old system to Vantage using DMT
> 3. Merge new company to current company using DMT
> Any help will do. Thanks.