I have some users on Surface Pros with the same specs as my laptop (they are on windows 10, I am on 7). We both have 8GB of RAM yet it seems sometimes that they are unable to export larger datasets from an Ultragrid to Excel while my computer has no issue with this.
Has anyone else experienced this?
If you give me some guidelines on how large a larger dataset is, I can try it here. I have Surface Pro’s.
I had one today that was unable to export approximately 200 rows with about 20 columns of data
I’ve done more than 200 rows and 20 column exports form a dashboard grid
view to Excel on my SP4 8Gig. Now when I get into the 20K plus rows is
when I do run into a memory issue.
Well, I didn’t have an issue but then it struck me - I run Epicor on a RemoteDesktop session to another PC… Let me see if I can get the client installed and try.