I am trying to create a method directive that looks up the Invoicing Method on a Project WBS Phase.
The field help says this field is bound to ProjPhase.InvMethod but this field is not in ProjPhase.
In the past, when I’ve encountered this, I would likely find these type of fields in PatchFld but in this case it’s not there.
This value is stored somewhere because if I set it, it’s saved and it’s retrieved if I pull the Project up and I can set it to a different value than the project but I can’t figure out where else to look?
Anyone know of another place I can look?
Epicor Applications Manager
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Separately, I would think that PatchField entries should be flushed at the next schema change, no? There’s an obvious performance hit to get to these field values in the PatchField table. At least move them to a UD table for 10+ (EUD for Epicor User-Defined?) which is a more efficient to look up and contains less data in the buffer. Once you’re making schema changes, why not clean it up?
Generally they do. And this one may be fixed in 10.1 but it still references PatchField in the description cause the docs are the last to get updated LoL