We have some Manufactured subassemblies in inventory. We use them in many MOMs and jobs.
When they are added to a MOM, they default to “Pull as assembly”. And when we use get details to add them to a job, they come over as subassemblies.
The issue is that they are automatically being marked “Make Direct” on the job. And as they have purchased components, they are generating demand, and we’ve been cutting POs for more of these subcomponents instead of using our inventory.
Our workaround is to change these items to Purchased, so “Pull as Assembly” isn’t checked on the MOM, and they come over to the job as a material, and it recognizes that we have them in inventory.
But I don’t like this, as there is no revision on the subassembly anymore, and they are actually Manufactured, not Purchased, and when we need to make more, it will be messy…
So my question - Is it possible to configure a Manufactured Subassembly to have the right default settings when added to a MOM or a Job, so that it pulls from inventory if inventory is available??
Thanks much!!