Filtering a dropdown that is embedded in gridview

Hi Epicor community,

We are on Epicor ERP :

There seems to be an issue where deactivated indirect codes still show up in Indirect category:

So I filtered them like this in the daily entry:

However in the Weekly entry they still show up:

I do not know how to filter an embedded dropdown in a gridview. Could you please guide me?

Just guessing but I suspect this issue is related to the way the data “collection” for that grid is populated. i.e. a bug, not under your control… will need to rely on Epicor to fix in a future version.

If so, this may be a possible workaround in the meantime:
When you inactivate an Indirect Code, append a prefix to the description too… … e.g. zzz
Giving users a visual cue that it shouldn’t be used anymore and (assuming it is being sorted by description) it should end up at the bottom of the combo listing.

I have used the “zzz” prefix trick on all kinds of codes in Epicor.

Thank you @bordway