My experience with fire safes is from a volunteer fireman's
perspective. They protect paper well if you don't open them when
they're hot. I haven't looked at ratings but after a fire they are left
to cool down for a day before opening. The paper inside may be
above the flammable point but there is no oxygen to let it burn.
Tapes are another story. They would be heat damaged at 250 F if
not sooner.
Having said all that... our tapes are in a fire proof safe. They're in
a separate building. The fire proof safe is better than a regular
filing cabinet. I know one company send a tape home with a
employee. The chance of a disaster affecting both is very slim.
perspective. They protect paper well if you don't open them when
they're hot. I haven't looked at ratings but after a fire they are left
to cool down for a day before opening. The paper inside may be
above the flammable point but there is no oxygen to let it burn.
Tapes are another story. They would be heat damaged at 250 F if
not sooner.
Having said all that... our tapes are in a fire proof safe. They're in
a separate building. The fire proof safe is better than a regular
filing cabinet. I know one company send a tape home with a
employee. The chance of a disaster affecting both is very slim.
On 1 May 2001, at 10:01, Gary Polvinale wrote:
As part of our Vantage recovery plan, I'm getting a
fire-proof safe. Any
suggestions as to what is best? It doesn't look like
there is that much to
it. Seems that a 2-hr rated would do it. But does a
fire safe protect
tapes from the heat? We will also be using off-site
storage, but plan to
keep most items in the fire safe.
Gary Polvinale
Denton ATD
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Russ Dover
IS Manager
Weaver Industries, Inc.
717 336 7507 phone
717 336 4182 fax