Forcing field ReadOnly false on PO Entry?

I added a custom field for internal comments, bound to PODetail..Character01. We keep track of PO progress with it, however when the PO is marked confirmed, all fields on the PO go into read only.

I've tried adding code to the form on the load event of the following, but it still goes read only. Anyone got a good way of forcing it to be writable all the time?

Dim POEntry As EpiDataView = Ctype(oTrans.EpiDataViews ("PODetail"),EpiDataView)
POEntry.dataView.Table.Columns("Character01").ExtendedProperties("Enabled")= True
POEntry.dataView.Table.Columns("Character01").ExtendedProperties("ReadOnly")= False

Use the memos? That is really what they are for.


From: [] On Behalf Of pbparker
Sent: Friday, September 20, 2013 4:33 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Forcing field ReadOnly false on PO Entry?



I added a custom field for internal comments, bound to PODetail..Character01. We keep track of PO progress with it, however when the PO is marked confirmed, all fields on the PO go into read only.

I've tried adding code to the form on the load event of the following, but it still goes read only. Anyone got a good way of forcing it to be writable all the time?

Dim POEntry As EpiDataView = Ctype(oTrans.EpiDataViews ("PODetail"),EpiDataView)
POEntry.dataView.Table.Columns("Character01").ExtendedProperties("Enabled")= True
POEntry.dataView.Table.Columns("Character01").ExtendedProperties("ReadOnly")= False

Memos aren't line specific, which is why I'm using my solution.  In addition, I want reports to show comments specific to a line - again memo's aren't going to provide the solution. 

--- In, <> wrote:

Use the memos? That is really what they are for.


From: [] On Behalf Of pbparker
Sent: Friday, September 20, 2013 4:33 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Forcing field ReadOnly false on PO Entry?



I added a custom field for internal comments, bound to PODetail..Character01. We keep track of PO progress with it, however when the PO is marked confirmed, all fields on the PO go into read only.

I've tried adding code to the form on the load event of the following, but it still goes read only. Anyone got a good way of forcing it to be writable all the time?

Dim POEntry As EpiDataView = Ctype(oTrans.EpiDataViews ("PODetail"),EpiDataView)
POEntry.dataView.Table.Columns("Character01").ExtendedProperties("Enabled")= True
POEntry.dataView.Table.Columns("Character01").ExtendedProperties("ReadOnly")= False