Format UtraGrid Column

Thanks. I was creating a new column at runtime and your code worked for the decimal places but kept the column as text. I decided to just repurpose the Number06 column, use your formatting code and now it works great. Thanks again. 

I've added a new column to the Receipt Entry Tracker, Received Lines using the Script Editor. I add the column and then set the value. The column is titled "Supplier Line Amount", and upon initialization it equals:

e.Row.Cells("SupplierLineAmt").Value = e.Row.Cells("DocUnitCost").Value * e.Row.Cells("VendorQty").Value

The problem is that it's a text field, not a number with two decimal places. I tried doing it via Layout / Columns / Format, but it doesn't seem to make any difference. Can I convert the value to a number or currency?

we have done this in the past using the following code on the load of your form 

grdResults.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].Columns["Number02"].Format = "###,##0.00";

Kind Regards,
Sergio P. 
CTO, Sr. Partner
Kind Regards,
Sergio P.

Mayan Technologies USA, Inc.
(858) 900.1555