Formatting a date in a form

Checking with Epicor, this is a known issue. The suggestion is to use a DateTimeEditor widget instead of a TextBox. It's covered in 4686ESC.

Summary: CUST How to add the date/time field but only display the date.
Book: Support Solutions
Page: 4686ESC


How do you customize a UI form to display a date/time field but only display the date?

When you add a TextBox to a form and use it to display a date field from the database, you will see both a date and a time. To display only the date change the TextBox to a DateTimeEditor box. Now only the date will be displayed. In addition, the DateTimeEditor control has a dropdown that shows a calendar.

Additional Information about DateTimeEditor:
The DateTimeEditor control mis-respresents it's function. In trueth it is a DateEditor control. If you want to capture time use the TimeEditor Control.

Currently in Vantage, a field is either a Date or it is a Time "we" do not support the combined type. In current Microsoft technologies, a field that holds a date value is a DateTime field. A true DateTime field can be either a Date or a Time or Both and a display mask is used to render the correct visual. When you copy the data out using the copy all, it comes out as a DateTime field without the formatting and Excel renders that field using the "Both" format. For datetime columns "exported" to Excel, you should use a format that only displays the date.

--- In, "CarlH" <carl.heeder@...> wrote:
> I'm trying to format a UD date field in a form and ahve tried the followign without success. I also tried ="99/99/99"
> I can't seem to find any documentation on extendedproperties("format")
> Any suggestions?
> private sub SetExtendedProps()
> dim edv as EpiDataView=CType (oTrans.EpiDataViews("OrderHed"), EpiDataView)
> edv.DataView.Table.Columns ("Date02").extendedproperties("Format")="mm/dd/yy"
> end sub
> with the added code
> SetExtendedProps()
I'm trying to format a UD date field in a form and ahve tried the followign without success. I also tried ="99/99/99"

I can't seem to find any documentation on extendedproperties("format")

Any suggestions?

private sub SetExtendedProps()
dim edv as EpiDataView=CType (oTrans.EpiDataViews("OrderHed"), EpiDataView)
edv.DataView.Table.Columns ("Date02").extendedproperties("Format")="mm/dd/yy"
end sub

with the added code
