FW: Call Number 718552MPS: IM -Why do I see transactions dated 7 -

My financial background is pretty weak. The Epicor answer has me confused.
Can somebody please explain why transaction occurring after a WIP report
cut-off date would show up on the WIP report. Why would a shipping
transaction after the cut-off date effect COS? Is this GAAP? (generally
accepted accounting principal) I'm confused... guess it's time for more

Dan Shallbetter
States Electric Mfg.

Summary: JM - Wip Report reflecting costs with transaction dates grea
Book: Change Requests
Request no.: 340.709

Description / Steps to reproduce:

*** Page ID: 340.709
*** Status: Suggestion
*** Created On: Apr 01 1999
*** Changed On: Apr 02 1999
*** Added By: Tim Ligas
*** Product: VANTAGE
PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Customer reports that WIP report is capturing COS
costs with transaction dates greater than the cutoff date entered when
running the WIP report. Duplicated on MNTech's 3.00.617.

Steps used to duplicate:

1. Created job 2463 for 1 piece of DCD-100-SP. Added an operation and
material requirement.

2. Issued half of the material 50 pcs @ 9 with a transaction date of 3/31/99
and issued the remaining 50 pcs with a transaction date of 4/1/99.

3. Ran the WIP report with a cutoff date of 3/31/99. $450 (50 x $9) is shown
in wip material.

4. Ran the WIP report with a cutoff date of 4/1/99. $900 (100 x $9) is shown
in wip material. Up to this point everything is correct.

5. Shipped the item from the job to the customer.

6. Ran WIP report with a cutoff date of 3/31/99. The following was the
for the raw materials portion of the costs:

To Date: : 450
COS : 900
WIP : -450

The report is moving the whole amount of material to COS which causes wip to
go negative because the report does not reflect the additional $450 of
material going into wip on 4/1/99.

Customer states that they have many jobs where the item ships and then they
go out and install or set up the item at the customer's location. Customer
believes that it should only be showing $450 in COS because the other
costs have not been incurred during March.

The capture routine will also post this 900 to cost of sales and relieve it
the wip material account.


ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: This issue was discussed at the April 2, 1999

The help for 4.00 needs to be updated to reflect how the Capture/COS program
now works. This document will also be used as a test case for 4.00 since
there have been modifications to the capture program. The document will be
tracked as a suggestion for a future enhancement.

Program/Form Name:

-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Shallbetter [mailto:DanS@...]
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 3:56 PM
To: 'Linda Ballard'
Subject: RE: Call Number 718552MPS: IM -Why do I see transactions dated
7 -10- 01 on a WIP report with a date of 6/30

Linda you should have received two Wip reports one for Period ending
06/30/01 and one for 07/31/01. The production detail report for Jobs
035568-1-1 & 035547-1-1 clearly show the material transaction happening on
07/10/01. My question was why is only part of these transaction (ADJ-MTL)
showing up on the 06/30/01 WIP report, when the 07/10/01 transaction dates
are past the report cut-off date? My understanding is that no transactions
past the cut-off date should be included on the report.

Dan Shallbetter

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Linda Ballard [mailto:lballard@...]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 3:15 PM
> To: 'dans@...'
> Subject: Call Number 718552MPS: IM -Why do I see transactions dated
> 7-10- 01 on a WIP report with a date of 6/30
> Hi Dan,
> The reason you are seeing the Material costs on the WIP
> report dated 6/30/01
> is the job did not ship until 7/19/01. The costs do not
> move out of WIP
> until time of shipment, then it will credit WIP (or in this
> case debit) and
> debit COS (or in this case credit).
> If you run the WIP report as of 7-31-01 you should no longer see these
> entries for job 035507-2-1 on the WIP report, that is if you
> ran the Capture
> WIP/COS for July.
> Regards,
> Linda Ballard
> Vantage Financial Support Analyst
> Epicor Software Corp.
> Support 800-269-3044
> Fax 952-595-9825
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Clientele Call 718552MPS
> Caller: - Dan Shallbetter States Electric Mfg Co Generated from
> pivotal data
> Phone: 763-588-0536
> Product: Inventory Manage
> Summary: IM -Why do I see transactions dated 7-10-01 on a WIP
> report with a
> date of 6/30
> 8/8/2001 11:12:26 AM LBALLARD
> When I ran the WIP Report has 7-10-01
> Why do I see transactions dated 7-10-01 on a WIP report with
> a date of 6/30
> and the capture and post was run at 6/30?