FW: Profile and Solidworks Upgrade this Weekend

How did it go Vic? Did you sleep at all my friend?


Roel Martinez
ERP Analyst

8653 E. Hwy 67 | Alvarado, TX 76009
Phone: 817-852-1700 ext. 11858 | Direct Line: 817-852-1858 |Fax: 817-852-1705


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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Just a reminder for today, please. Any files not checked in and
unlocked by 6PM EST will risk corruption.


From: Vic Drecchio
Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2010 3:40 PM
To: VantageUsers
Cc: Clifton Rainey; Matthew Simone
Subject: Profile and Solidworks Upgrade this Weekend
Importance: High

Engineering and ProFILE Users - Please Read

This weekend we will be upgrading ProFILE on the server and on each of
your PC's. This will provide us with the capability to use the new
Solidworks 2010 with ProFILE.

If you are a Non-Engineering ProFILE User, please reply with your name
and Computer ID. (For example, Production or Tech Coordinators - This
will help ensure I hit all PCs)

There are 3 major steps involved and during this entire process ProFILE
will be unavailable.

Here is a tentative timeline of events for the weekend:

Friday @ 5PM EST

It is absolutely imperative that ALL USERS "Check-In" and "Unlock" your
CAD models and drawings at this time. You should NOT have any files
"checked out" in your local work area - these files will not be
converted and certainly cause problems in the near future. If you need
help with this please contact your manager and they can contact John or
me if necessary.

Friday @ 6PM EST

The conversion process will begin: All Solidworks 2008 models and
drawings will be auto-converted to 2010. We have about 5.5GB of data to
convert and I will be doing a test conversion tomorrow on a sample of
data to get a sense on timing. I estimate this will take about 14 hours
based upon initial calculations. At 6PM I will take ProFILE off-line to
prevent logins.

Saturday @ 9AM EST

ProFILE server upgrade will be installed. ProFILE will continue to be

Saturday @ 10AM EST

Workstation upgrades will commence. We are doing our best to work
around your schedule to minimize impact on your productivity. You MUST
leave your PC powered ON over the weekend. If you power down your PC it
will not be upgraded over the weekend and we will have to schedule you
for next week during normal business hours. Managers: Please ensure
spare PCs and Conference Room PCs are powered up prior to leaving on

We will remotely visit each and every PC in GSO, ATL, and SEA
(approximately 79) and remove the current Solidworks 2008-ProFILE
integration, upgrade the ProFILE client and install the new Solidworks
2010-ProFILE integration. Three of us will be performing this process
so I'm hoping we will be done on Saturday.

For those of you with laptops: If you wish to take your laptops home
with you this weekend that is fine. You can schedule an installation
on-or-after Monday by clicking here
0my%20PC!> to send an email to the Aerosystems Helpdesk.

Sunday @ 8AM EST

ProFILE will come back online pending all files have converted and your
workstation has been upgraded. Sunday is our "buffer" day.

Monday @ 8AM EST

If upon your arrival on Monday you have problems logging into ProFILE
please email the Aerosystems Helpdesk by clicking here
. If you have problems with Solidworks 2008 or 2010 or opening files
with Solidworks please email the main TIMCO Helpdesk by clicking here
%20%20Please%20Help!> . Remembering which Helpdesk to email will help
you receive the best service.

Questions or Concerns?

Contact me immediately.

Thank you for your cooperation and attention.

Best regards,

Vic Drecchio
ERP Administrator

TIMCO Aerosystems

Greensboro, NC
Email: vic.drecchio@...
Mobile: 704.530.3092

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Ooops..... guess you all know what I'm doing this weekend. :-)


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf
Of Vic Drecchio
Sent: Friday, March 12, 2010 4:34 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] FW: Profile and Solidworks Upgrade this Weekend
Importance: High

Just a reminder for today, please. Any files not checked in and
unlocked by 6PM EST will risk corruption.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Sound like a boat load of fun. Hope everything goes well.

--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "Vic Drecchio" <vic.drecchio@...> wrote:
> Ooops..... guess you all know what I'm doing this weekend. :-)
> ________________________________
> From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf
> Of Vic Drecchio
> Sent: Friday, March 12, 2010 4:34 PM
> To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [Vantage] FW: Profile and Solidworks Upgrade this Weekend
> Importance: High
> Just a reminder for today, please. Any files not checked in and
> unlocked by 6PM EST will risk corruption.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]