Get current user ID


I am trying to get the current user ID in a BPM. In my test environment “callContextClient.CurrentUserId” returns the userID. However, in my Live environment this is just blank.

Is there another way of getting the current user Id in a BPM?

We are using Epicor 10.2

Thanks in advance


Hi @Alphanu

callContextClient.CurrentUserId will surely return the Current UserID.
Can you please elaborate how you are triggering the BPM?

Zoher Ali

It is being triggered on update. Every time there is a change it will till; a table field with the user ID.

As I mentioned, it is working fine in my test environment but not Live. It has confused me some what

Have you tried giving Message Box in BPM for User ID? Is it showing there.
There should be some refresh issue on form. (I guess :thinking:)

Is this a copied BPM from test to live? or you redid from scratch in live…?

If a copy, try to do a recycle IIS app pool.

As well as Zoher_Ali mentionned, use a message box may help at least to find out it it passes through…


Currently I have to redo BPMs when I move them to live. Solution workbench does not always pick up BPMs.

I have set up a message box. I’m just waiting on someone to do the next process to find out if the value is being passed on or not.

Your solution workbench should work for BPMs. I am using it to move my BPMs. I do usually have to go in and validate them but otherwise they come over. Have you tried just exporting the BPM and Importing it into the other DB?

Thanks for you input guys. The message boxed did show the user ID.

It turns out I missed something out in the custom code.