Get Details in DMT

This post explains it, but I’d like to make it a feature request.

  1. You can delete an assembly from a job (and all of its subcomponents) with DMT.
    a. Yes, yes, assuming nothing has been issued, etc.
  2. You can add an assembly to a job with DMT, though it is empty (no components nor operations)
  3. You can “get details” for the assembly in Job Entry
  4. If MRP created the job, it would get details automatically.
  5. But you cannot “get details” in DMT.

We run into this weekly, at least. Our jobs have tons of subassemblies. If one of them goes up a revision (a daily occurrence), we would prefer to delete the assembly and re-add it (with details) via DMT. It would be much cleaner than what we normally do, which is figure out exactly what changed and then go hunt down the Mtl Seq numbers of those components in those assemblies (and pray it’s not a part that’s common to other assemblies). And also track down related operation sequence numbers (phantoms can throw off the numbering sequence). It’s just miserable.

So just a checkbox in the Job Assembly DMT for Get Details, please. Pretty please!

And we have had times where the change was so massive that we just deleted the assemblies anyway and added new ones and populated those assemblies manually.

But that was awful. The last time it took two days. There were subassemblies inside the subassemblies. Had to add all the ops and all the material and all the assemblies and then their ops and material.

By the by, if you ever do this, turns out that if you want to populate JobAsmbl.Parent, don’t use “Parent” in the DMT. Apparently (pun!) they can’t use that as it’s a reserved word, so it’s ParentAssemblySeq in DMT only. I always wondered why I could never get that to work…

Voted. The methods must be there in the background, because if you use quick job entry in DMT you get all the details.

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Yep. My thought was MRP, but right, quick job does the same thing, based on the ReqBy date (to determine what revisions to use if there’s more than one approved). It’s complex logic, but it’s there, somewhere, already.