Get workstation for printing

Thanks my friend, and that’s my brain in that GIF there.

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Jimmy Fallon Reaction GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

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To clarify then Kevin, if I am using a function that’s printing a packslip, do I need a workstation ID if I am submitting it to an Epicor network printer?

And in this code, is there something else needed to tell it specifically it’s not a client print?

    this.CallService<Erp.Contracts.PackingSlipPrintSvcContract>(pslip => {
    Erp.Tablesets.PackingSlipPrintTableset dsPslip = new Erp.Tablesets.PackingSlipPrintTableset();
    //define function params
      dsPslip = pslip.GetNewParameters();
      dsPslip.PackingSlipParam[0].PackNum = 0;
      dsPslip.PackingSlipParam[0].PrintingOptions = "S";
      dsPslip.PackingSlipParam[0].AssignLegalNumber = false;
      dsPslip.PackingSlipParam[0].EnableAssignLegalNumber = false;
      dsPslip.PackingSlipParam[0].EnableIncludePCID = false;
      dsPslip.PackingSlipParam[0].IncludePCID = false;      
      dsPslip.PackingSlipParam[0].PackNumList = "282574";
      dsPslip.PackingSlipParam[0].AutoAction = "SSRSPrint";
      dsPslip.PackingSlipParam[0].PrinterName = "printer";
      dsPslip.PackingSlipParam[0].RptPageSettings = "Color=True,Landscape=False,PaperSize=[Kind=\"Letter\" PaperName=\"Letter\" Height=1100 Width=850],PaperSource=[SourceName=\"FormSource\" Kind=\"FormSource\"],PrinterResolution=[Kind=\"Custom\" X=600 Y=600]";
      dsPslip.PackingSlipParam[0].RptPrinterSettings = "PrinterName=\"printer\",Copies=1,Collate=True,Duplex=Default,FromPage=1,ToPage=0";
      dsPslip.PackingSlipParam[0].ReportStyleNum = 2; //your report style number
      dsPslip.PackingSlipParam[0].DateFormat = "m/d/yyyy";
      dsPslip.PackingSlipParam[0].NumericFormat = ",.";
      dsPslip.PackingSlipParam[0].ReportCultureCode = "en-US";
      dsPslip.PackingSlipParam[0].ReportCurrencyCode = "USD";
      dsPslip.PackingSlipParam[0].SSRSRenderFormat = "PDF";
      dsPslip.PackingSlipParam[0].FaxSubject = "";   //this is your email subject
      dsPslip.PackingSlipParam[0].EMailTo = "";   //your TO email address
      dsPslip.PackingSlipParam[0].EMailBody = ""; //email body
      dsPslip.PackingSlipParam[0].AttachmentType = "PDF";
      dsPslip.PackingSlipParam[0].RowMod = "A";
      pslip.SubmitToAgent(dsPslip, "SystemTaskAgent", 0, 0, "Erp.UIRpt.PackingSlipPrint");
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I wouldn’t think so, but I haven’t got server printing set up, and I’m not fully awake yet.

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I don’t either man, but I’m pretty sure it’s as simple as installing a printer on the machine the task agent is installed on and creating a network printer in Epicor for it. I think if you want to enable it company wide, you need to configure it in Company maintenance or whatever, but you can still utilize a network printer without setting it up company wide.

Thanks man.

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Server side printing doesn’t care about the workstation. The workstation in classic is for Client Side stuff only. (At least in my testing over the years)


Tons of thanks Jose.