Getting value from EpiUltraComboPlus control

Groan. I am working on a cost worksheet for quotes. I need to display information for current line#. The line# is presented in a EpiUltraComboPlus.
Seems like it should be straightforward but I am missing something.
EpiUltraComboPlus LineNum = (EpiUltraComboPlus)csm.GetNativeControlReference(“fa359824-fd06-42b4-9f2c-e31d23d4f97e”);
MessageBox.Show(“It Is:” + LineNum.Text);

Value is null. Any help deriving the value of the control would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Give LineNum.Value a try. Might need to do a string conversion on it first.

Thanks for the thought. Tried it, no joy.

Instead of the control, use the EpiDataView.

int myInt = 0;
var myView = oTrans.Factory("ViewName");
if(myView != null && myView.Row >= 0) 
   myInt = (int)(myView.dataView[myView.Row]["MyField"]);

@Chris_Conn has the right answer. I just wanted to post how you could reference using the control.

MessageBox.Show(“It Is:” + LineNum.EpiCombo.Text);

Thanks for the information.