Global Alert - Order has been Shipped

Every time something ships on the order because you also mark the “Alert
upon shipment” flag on the order header.

Terry L. Williams I.S. Manager Chipsco, Inc. 9936 Liberty St. Ext.
Meadville, PA 16335 p.8143336331 x236 f.8143372548 tlw@...
<mailto:tlw@...> <>

-----Original Message-----
From: accelgrp [mailto:RobM@...]
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2002 3:36 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Global Alert - Order has been Shipped.

Hoping for a quick answer without experimenting myself...

If you turn on the Global Alert "Order has been shipped" and you mark
the sale order accordingly, do you get notified every time something
ships on the order or do you only get notified when the order ships

Thanks in advance...

* Rob McFarlin, CPA, Controller
* Accel Group, Inc.
325 Quadral Dr.
Wadsworth, OH 44281
* (330)336-0317 x114
* FAX(330)336-1224
* RobM@...

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Hoping for a quick answer without experimenting myself...

If you turn on the Global Alert "Order has been shipped" and you mark
the sale order accordingly, do you get notified every time something
ships on the order or do you only get notified when the order ships

Thanks in advanceÂ…

• Rob McFarlin, CPA, Controller
• Accel Group, Inc.
325 Quadral Dr.
Wadsworth, OH 44281
• (330)336-0317 x114
• FAX(330)336-1224
• RobM@...