Global Alerts: Quote Follow Up Date


I have never been able to get the Global Alerts to work for global alert 1030 (Quote Follow Up date has been reached) and hoping someone can tell me what is going on.
I activated the global alert:

I save and then go to a quote and set a Follow up Date.

I checked in the Erp.AlertQue table and it’s completely empty for that record.
I am able to, as a test, trigger the global alert to Notify if Credit Hold has changed, as it does create records in the AlertQue table.

Am I missing something of does this feature simply not work?

We are on Thanks

You got it :wink:
Those things are a pile of crap, BPM is your friend.


Follow up question; what might I do to replicate this feature? I know I could run a custom process to scan for that date and send an email, but obviously it would need some sort of queue table to store the upcoming alert and clear it when it passes. This could likely be done via a UD table, but seems frustrating to replicate behavior that should work natively…

I thought you had the scheduler?

I mean all joking aside there is a way to make it work, but I honestly don’t know.
You could do a UBAQ which runs daily and gives you any quotes whose date is “TODAY” and then sends the email on post processing GetList

I do, the question is how to queue alerts.

Just use a BAQ that returns all quotes which have a follow up date of TODAY

Run a query in your BPM that checks for overdue, send the E-mail, then check a box that says it was sent.


more fields :weary: but that’d work.

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I’m not that familar with this feature, but if you run the process once a day. Wouldn’t you not have to store anything? Simply return records due “TODAY” so tomorrow will only bring those etc?

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Ahh, yeah I was thinking greater than or equal to today…If I simply ran “Today” it probably would be just fine…


You could make a BAQ Report that filters to quotes that “expire” today (or yesterday if you run it at 12:01 AM), then “print” the report, but use the email feature, first setting a schedule and make it reoccurring.

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yeah if you run it daily… it should work

Or skip e-mails altogether and just make a dashboard so they can actually check it off. (I hate nag e-mails, everyone ignores them anyways). More fields, but Meh?? (My 2 cents)

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Ohhh trust me they have every dashboard they’d ever need to view this info. We tend to be too reliant on info being pushed to us as is, but I do agree with you

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we use a Scheduled task process on the server runs every morning…(custom exe) sends next task to users…

We created a BAQ report that runs every night. When it runs we use report SSRS breaking/routing to send a personalized email with the report attached to each salesperson. We use this for a number of custom reports.


I’ve been thinking of a web-based dashboard where I KNOW when and who clicked on the link. I just don’t know who looks at attachments or dashboards…


You could build that into a customized dashboard where you log on refresh.

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I have Quote Follow Up emails being sent out and working as advertised. I set the Follow-up Days in Company Configuration, and then the Follow-up field get automatically populated on each Quote. then I have a Data BPM on AlertQue.Update that looks for added rows with AlertNum = 1030, and sends an email when it finds one.

One quirk that I don’t understand - To get Expired Quotes to work, I have to run the Quote Expiration process as a scheduled task every night at 2:00 am. The Expired Quote emails all get sent around 2:00 am every day. But, the Follow Up emails don’t get sent out at 2:00 am, They don’t go out until someone opens the Opportunity Quote Maintenance screen. If no one opens that screen, the Follow-up emails don’t get sent. So, on weekends, the quotes that reach Follow-up on Sat or Sun, get sent on Monday morning after someone opens Quote Maint. Kind of weird, but it does work for us.

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