Global Input Variable not updating

I’ve run into an issue when passing data between a parent and child configurator, wondering if anyone else has experienced this and if so, is there a solution. I can’t find any similar case in the forum.

I have inputs that are bound to Global Input Variables. When the user fills in these inputs the data passes successfully between configurations. However, I’m updating a configurator that has set data for some components based on other input. When the user selects a certain component in a combo box, the configurator populates the bound inputs with relevant linked data.

What I’m finding is, when these bound fields are programmatically updated the Global Input Variable isn’t updated and the bound field, while showing the correct value, doesn’t pass this value to the child configurator. Moving back to the parent configurator passes the null value from the child config (seeing values weren’t brought across) back to the parent config and the programmatically filled fields are overwritten with null values.

Is there a way around this situation?

Thanks in advance.


I’m having the same problem after an upgrade to 10.2.500.19. When a global input variable is set programmatically in the parent configurator, the value doesn’t pass through to the child configurators. Were you able to find a solution to this issue?



Hi Greg,

No, sorry. We’re running E10.2.600.19 but I still haven’t found a suitable solution to this one. Did you have this working in a previous version?

