If that’s not scary enough, we’re going to K2021.2 this weekend…
oh, you’ll need 'em…
Good luck man
And good luck!
I hope you get a Treat on the upgrade and not a Trick!
Good luck Mark! Let us know if you need any help!
At least you waited for a full year’s worth of patch levels before upgrading. SaaS only affords a delay of up the 4 months, and they hate it when you choose that Flex option.
They prefer to dump all the bugs on you with only 1 patch level, and sit back and watch as you go out of your mind dealing with all the bugs that are still present. Even if they’re critical issues for your business. It’s how they amuse themselves.
So far, so good. The testing team couldn’t cover all of the scenarios that production can! If it’s a Kinetic issue, we have a “Classic” verision still on the menu to keep things moving while we look into it. And the currently customized versions are running as classic until we Kineticize them. So, while 10.1.600 to K2021.2 is a big lift, it hasn’t felt anything like V6 to V8, a V8 to V9, or V9 to E10.
If you have a testing team that can somehow do this before go live, please ask what their rate is… I would love to have a testing team be willing and able to test any and every production scenario before go live. It’s always the obscure workflows that get ya! Glad to hear everything is going okay.
Seconding this! Just stood up a version of our DB on 2022.2.4 this weekend to check out Inventory by Revision. Can’t wait to see what broke or doesn’t work as expected.
For real. I swear our testing team opens the form and thinks it opens, tested form approved.
This is why I want ARIA-roles available in Kinetic**, so automated tools like Playwright can easily find UI elements and help us reduce the time for automated testing.
** Only three votes. Am I the only one interested in automated testing?
No, we just don’t have any left!
We did the trick or treat thing on the other side of the tracks. Someone ran up and gave me a black eye it was a fun weekend.
Are you serious?
You gotta be kidding me.
Oh man, that’s a capital offense right there.
I think what’s worse is I printed that hours ago, just waiting for the right moment.