Sometimes taking a day off to work on your basement pays off!
Sehr gut, mein Herr!
Almost looks like I was there with you!
Must have been a great time… I don’t even remember going!
Those two guys were from England, the three on the other side worked for Lowenbrau and were drinking for free. We were at that table for almost 6 hours…
I can’t read stuff like this without thinking of this comedian:
DUDE! That WAS me in 2016 in the Lowenbrau Tent!!!
Seriously ??!!
I was there Thursday night, 22 Sep 2016 from 6-10PM and then caught a 6AM flight to Detroit the next day. (Nur ein Bier für mich.)
I was also there when my Cubs won the World Series and later in November during the election. Lot’s of happens when I’m in Munich.
Dang!! We were at Oktoberfest on 25-Sept-2016, but were in Munich from the 23rd to the 29th!!
Going again? We can plan it out this time instead of just going to the Bavarian Bierhaus!