Help with BPM/Method Directive - Where did it go?

Thanks, that is definatly a big help!

Now I am having trouble calling a SCWF from BPM. This is my 1st time trying this, but I have built several WF's for data Conversion (drop a file, suck it in, put into V). When I enter my server name to assign the "specified" work flow, I get this error:

Impossible to build workflow list: Serv was unable to process request. --> Error when creating Web Service.DesCaller.GetLogonHostFromRegistry error when trying to get registry key... Object not set to instance of an object.

So, any idea's? I am entering in the server that SC is installed on. I have also entered the Progress server address too. Using my domain username/password.

Also, on 8.03.407 running SQL Server.

Thanks for any help I can get!


--- In, "Brian W. Spolarich " <bspolarich@...> wrote:
> Ah. Well, this is because of the PROPATH setting and how BPMs work.
> BPMs create a file containing 4GL code on the server. The server decides where to put this file based on some magic in the PROPATH setting of the Progress application server that services your Vantage instance by looking for a directory in the PROPATH that ends in \bpm.
> In the default install of Vantage, for Live/Test/Train/Pilot, they're all *the same directory*.
> From:
> for details on how to change, or search for 'BPM PROPATH' on EpicWeb.
> -bws
> --
> Brian W. Spolarich ~ Manager, Information Services ~ Advanced Photonix / Picometrix
> Â Â Â Â bspolarich@... ~ 734-864-5618 ~
I was in our test account experimenting with a BPM. It created a "colorful" message when you mark a customer shipment as shipped. Our IT guy restored a copy of live to test last night, and now my BPM Method is gone. Problem is, it is still firing (choice language included)! So, can anyone help me:

1. Find and disable/delete the directive, and
2. Help explain why, when I create a BPM in test, it fires in live as well, and why a BPM that no longer "exists"... stil exists?


Keith Walter
When you create a BPM it creates a file on the server. This file is actually
what is being fired.

Unfortunately with V8, the ProPath directories are in the same location for
BPM's. You can go in and change this, however.

So when you create a BPM in test, you are actually creating a file that
everyone sees. So even if you restore a database the file still exists. You
need to find the file and remove it to prevent the BPM from continuing to

From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2010 10:44 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Help with BPM/Method Directive - Where did it go?

I was in our test account experimenting with a BPM. It created a "colorful"
message when you mark a customer shipment as shipped. Our IT guy restored a
copy of live to test last night, and now my BPM Method is gone. Problem is,
it is still firing (choice language included)! So, can anyone help me:

1. Find and disable/delete the directive, and
2. Help explain why, when I create a BPM in test, it fires in live as well,
and why a BPM that no longer "exists"... stil exists?


Keith Walter

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

The BPM is expanded and saved in (If I remember correctly)

This directory is in all of the appservers paths.

There is a answerbook on separating the database BP directories.

Hope this helps,

Dale E. Schuerman

Senior Consultant

Epicor Certified Consulting Partner

RAM Software Systems, Inc.

972-669-0763 x233 (voice)

972-669-9603 (fax)

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From: [] On Behalf
Of Keith
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2010 9:44 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Help with BPM/Method Directive - Where did it go?

I was in our test account experimenting with a BPM. It created a
"colorful" message when you mark a customer shipment as shipped. Our IT
guy restored a copy of live to test last night, and now my BPM Method is
gone. Problem is, it is still firing (choice language included)! So, can
anyone help me:

1. Find and disable/delete the directive, and
2. Help explain why, when I create a BPM in test, it fires in live as
well, and why a BPM that no longer "exists"... stil exists?


Keith Walter

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Ah. Well, this is because of the PROPATH setting and how BPMs work.

BPMs create a file containing 4GL code on the server. The server decides where to put this file based on some magic in the PROPATH setting of the Progress application server that services your Vantage instance by looking for a directory in the PROPATH that ends in \bpm.

In the default install of Vantage, for Live/Test/Train/Pilot, they're all *the same directory*.


for details on how to change, or search for 'BPM PROPATH' on EpicWeb.


Brian W. Spolarich ~ Manager, Information Services ~ Advanced Photonix / Picometrix
    bspolarich@... ~ 734-864-5618 ~


Setting BPM to apply to one DB at a time.


The default Vantage install is such that any BPM method directives apply to ALL Vantage DBs on the server.

This means that if you develop a BPM in the TEST database, once enabled it will apply and run in the LIVE and TRAIN databases as well. It will therefore cause problems if you want to test BPMs while developing them, or if you are running several databases, each with different BPM requirements.

To enable BPM to apply to one particular DB, you need to set up the Appservers to have unique BPM folders in their PROPATH.

The steps below explain how to change the Train DB to use a different BPM folder.
1. In Progress Explorer, right click on the MFGTRAIN803 Appserver.
2. Select Properties
3. Click on Agent ' General
4. The PROPATH should be similar to the following: "E:\epicor\mfgsys803\custom,E:\epicor\mfgsys803\bpm,:\epicor\mfgsys803\Server\custom,E:\epicor\mfgsys803\Server,E:\epicor\mfgsys803"
5. Change the BPM element of this to a unique path i.e. "E:\epicor\mfgsys803\custom,E:\epicor\mfgsys803\TRAIN\bpm,:\epicor\mfgsys803\Server\custom,E:\epicor\mfgsys803\Server,E:\epicor\mfgsys803"
N.B. It is IMPERATIVE that the path ends in "BPM"
6. Repeat Steps 2 - 5 for the MFGTRAIN803ProcessServer and MFGTRAIN803TaskAgent
7. From Windows Explorer, create the directory specified in this instance "E:\epicor\mfgsys803\TRAIN\bpm"
8. Restart the Appservers. Users will need to be logged off for this.
9. Resave any BPMs created in the Train DB.

When building a BPM method directive, data is stored in the Vantage DB. When a BPM directive is enabled and saved, the data is processed and a Progress program is generated to disk. The program is generated into the directory specified in the Appserver's PROPATH (folder ending in BPM). When Business Object methods are called via Web Services or a Vantage client, any BPM directives which exist for this method are located first in the propath and are therefore executed prior to base Business Object methods.

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Keith
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2010 10:44 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Help with BPM/Method Directive - Where did it go?

I was in our test account experimenting with a BPM. It created a "colorful" message when you mark a customer shipment as shipped. Our IT guy restored a copy of live to test last night, and now my BPM Method is gone. Problem is, it is still firing (choice language included)! So, can anyone help me:

1. Find and disable/delete the directive, and
2. Help explain why, when I create a BPM in test, it fires in live as well, and why a BPM that no longer "exists"... stil exists?


Keith Walter


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Brian wrote:
>Ah. Well, this is because of the PROPATH setting and how BPMs work.
>>BPMs create a file containing 4GL code on the server. The server decides where to put this file based on some magic in the PROPATH setting of the Progress application server that services your Vantage instance by looking for a directory in the PROPATH that ends in \bpm.
>>In the default install of Vantage, for Live/Test/Train/ Pilot, they're all *the same directory*.

FWIW, BPM folders and PROPATH are set up correctly in Epicor 9, one for each database under a BPMEXEC folder.

Mark W.