Ephraim -
What version are you on? We're on 8.03.405 and all of our purchased parts are rev.-controlled and parts roll up without a problem. We use Cost Adjustment to assign costs to the standard-costed purchased parts and Costing Workbench to roll up the costs to the manufactured parts.
What version are you on? We're on 8.03.405 and all of our purchased parts are rev.-controlled and parts roll up without a problem. We use Cost Adjustment to assign costs to the standard-costed purchased parts and Costing Workbench to roll up the costs to the manufactured parts.
--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "efyf_1999" <effgroups@...> wrote:
> Thanks all for replying
> The real problem was that i created a revision on the purchased part and that really should not have a revision since the rollup considers every part with a revision as a manufactured part and rolls up the cost so if there is a revision without BOM it will set the cost to 0.
> So now i have to find a way how to record revisions for Purchased goods since we use it for the P/O to print the revision and details of the revision contained in the description.
> Ephraim Feldman
> Axis Lighting
> --- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "saab_barracuda" <chris.clunn@> wrote:
> >
> > Do you have a BOM on PurchA? I usually only use view cost for parts with a BOM. I wouldn't think anything would load for a purchase part with no BOM.
> >
> > To check costs, I go to part tracker (general->costs->retrieve). What cost is loaded for the average cost of PurchA? Does this same average cost value load for PurchA when you load details in costing workbench (costs->purchased parts->search->select all->ok)? How does this cost compare with the avg cost in part tracker?
> >
> > You can manually adjust the costs in this screen and affect the final rollup cost for MfgB. So if it's not loading properly, you can manually update here just to get it done but should definitely follow up on this.
> >
> > Other straws to grasp: Is the costing method for PurchA set at Average in both the part tab and the plant tab of the part master? I've seen some instances where the plant tab didn't update when the part tab was changed. Is PurchA set as inactive? There has to be something going on here.
> >
> > Good luck,
> >
> > Chris
> >
> >
> >
> > --- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "efyf_1999" <effgroups@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi All
> > >
> > > As i looked more into the problem i found some interesting things that maybe can shed light on the problem.
> > >
> > > Let me explain what i am working with.
> > >
> > > I have a part "PurchA" marked as purchased and costing as average.
> > > then i have part "MfgB" marked as manufacture and costing as standard.
> > > Part "MfgB" is using "PurchA" as BOM.
> > > I ran the costing workbench and loaded with filter part "MfgB" that automatically pulled "PurchA" into the workbench.
> > > Before doing anything else i went into the cost for purchased and selected part "PurchA" and selected "View Cost" from the menu, in the resulting window there is one line with the "PurchA" part and 0 cost in all columns, but in the bottom of the screen in the costs section the first 2 lines (for total cost and unit cost) are 0 and the third line for part cost has a value in material of 1.30 .
> > > Now when i look at the "View Cost" for part "MfgB" i see 2 lines one the asm line of the current part with 0 values then a line for the BOM mtl with the value of 1.30
> > > When i look at the bottom of the screen i see that in the lines of total cost and unit cost there is a valu of 1.30 but in the line cost the value is 0.
> > >
> > > Then i went to run the rollup and here is what happened.
> > > When i look at the view cost for the part "PurchA" everything is 0 even the line for part cost.
> > > When i look at the view cost for the part "MfgB" also everything is 0 the mtl line and all the bottom fields.
> > >
> > > So seems like something is reseting everything to 0 instead of updating the manufacture part.
> > >
> > > Would really appreciate any help
> > >
> > > Ephraim Feldman
> > > Axis Lighting
> >